SwiftUI vs. UIKit: Navigating Through Lifecycle Differences

3 min readMay 13, 2024


Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

As iOS development evolves, so does its frameworks, and understanding the nuances between SwiftUI and UIKit can be crucial for developers making a transition or choosing the right tool for their next project. Both frameworks manage the lifecycle of views and controls differently, and a good grasp of these differences can aid in smoother development and more robust applications. Let’s delve into the lifecycle events of SwiftUI and UIKit, comparing them side-by-side.

UIKit: The Classical Approach

UIKit has been the backbone of iOS UI development since the iPhone’s inception. It relies heavily on view controllers to manage its views. The lifecycle of a view controller in UIKit is well-documented and follows a predictable path, which includes several key stages:

- Initialization (init(coder:)): The stage where the view controller is created from a storyboard.
- Loading (viewDidLoad): Called once the view controller’s view is loaded into memory. It’s a crucial spot for initial setup and one-time configurations.
- Visibility (viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear): These methods are called every time the view is about to appear or has appeared on the screen.
- Layout (viewWillLayoutSubviews and viewDidLayoutSubviews): Invoked whenever the view controller’s view needs to layout its subviews, useful for making last-minute changes before the view appears.
- Disappearance (viewWillDisappear` and viewDidDisappear): Called when the view is about to disappear or has disappeared from the screen.
- Deallocation (deinit): Where cleanup happens, just before the view controller is deallocated from memory.

These lifecycle methods give developers explicit control over what happens at each stage, making UIKit powerful but also demanding in terms of management and boilerplate code.

SwiftUI: The Modern Declarative Approach

Introduced in 2019, SwiftUI changes the game by providing a declarative framework based on state-driven updates to the UI. It simplifies UI development by managing many aspects of the UI lifecycle under the hood. In SwiftUI, the lifecycle is more implicit and revolves around the state of the UI components:

- Initialization: A SwiftUI view is initialized when its parent or the system decides to present it. SwiftUI views are lightweight and their initialization is typically less costly than UIKit view controllers.
- State Updates (@State, @Binding, @ObservedObject, etc.): SwiftUI views update themselves whenever their state changes. This reactive approach eliminates the need for lifecycle methods like `viewDidLoad`.
- Recomposition: Instead of layout methods like viewWillLayoutSubviews, SwiftUI views automatically recompose or redraw themselves when their state or environment changes.
- Disappearance SwiftUI views do not have explicit disappearance calls like viewWillDisappear. The view simply recomposes to reflect removal from the hierarchy when its condition changes.
- Deallocation: Managed by SwiftUI, which automatically destroys views and frees up resources when they are no longer in use, thanks to Swift’s memory management.

Comparing Lifecycle Management

Here’s how the two stack up:

- Control vs. Convenience: UIKit provides more granular control via its lifecycle methods, making it suitable for complex applications with intricate behaviours. SwiftUI offers convenience and less code, ideal for simpler interfaces and faster development cycles.
- Performance: SwiftUI can lead to better performance for simple views due to its efficient management and rendering system. However, UIKit may be more performant in highly customized and dynamic UI scenarios due to more direct control over rendering.
- Learning Curve: UIKit’s lifecycle is complex but familiar to many iOS developers; mastering it takes time. SwiftUI’s lifecycle is simpler to grasp, especially for new developers, but understanding its reactive paradigm can be initially challenging.


Choosing between UIKit and SwiftUI often comes down to project needs, team expertise, and the specific behaviour required by your app. UIKit offers depth and control, suitable for complex applications, while SwiftUI provides a refreshing simplicity that can dramatically reduce development time for straightforward apps.

Embrace the strengths of each according to your needs, and happy coding! Whether you’re fine-tuning every pixel with UIKit or letting SwiftUI handle the heavy lifting, both paths lead to creating amazing apps for iOS.




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